Sunday, April 6, 2008


Well, I know I promised pictures from Emma's party but I don't have them. Gwen was the photographer that night and took some great photos. She sent them to me via email but for some reason I can't save them to my computer. So I will post them as soon as we get all this figured out. So instead I have pictures of the girls helping Daddy yesterday.

Technically, Beka wasn't helping but rather snooping in the garage but it's all the same thing right? =)

And when I took the picture of Beka I found the perfect excuse why I haven't vacuumed this week.

And last I have a pic of the suitcase I'm sending to the States with the Sauvageot's for Mom to fill up with goodies for me, Hey, before you get too jealous I did purchase some of it. The rest is because Mom loves me best!! HAHA, just joking! ;o)

And if you look at the right hand side? Those three ziploc bags? Christmas presents!! for this Christmas!! That's because I'm cheap and am trying to save postage. =) plus I'm sending some goodies to Mom and Dad, like Tim Tams. YUMMY!
Speaking of the Sauvageot's going to the States, Josh and I are taking them to Brisbane today and won't be back until Tuesday evening. Gwen is watching the girls so we are getting a mini holiday of our own!! YAY!!

**Just so nobody yells at me and tells me that I'm a horrible mother--Catie was not actually pushing the lawn mower while it was on. And I have told Josh he needs to not mow barefoot so they will learn to wear protective foot gear while mowing. **

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You shouldn't have said anything about shhh! TimTams shhh! Now your siblings will be over to eat them!! Have a good trip. Sorry we didn't get to talk to Emma Will try after Tuesday again.