Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Mental Health Day

Back in PBBC days I had a friend whose mother used to let them have Mental Health Days off school. We would take them every once in awhile at college spending the day in our pj's watching tv, painting our fingernails, dyeing our hair, etc. They were good days. Well, today the girls and I had an MHD. It is 4:30pm and the girls have just decided to go outside for the first time today. They are still in their pyjamas. I'm still in mine. Catie and Beka had a long sleep while Emma had some quiet time in her room. You know, it's been a good day. We trimmed and painted some fingernails and toenails, had a picnic on the rug, we watched a video and some tv while snuggling together.

I also took some profile pics of the girls for a project for the "wall of shame." I worked on another project for the wall as well. I'll share them when I'm done (if they turn out.) =) You know, my mom had a wall of pictures when we were growing up. We called it the wall of shame because we were embarrassed of our pictures. And now I have one in my hallway, as do my sisters I believe. I use mine to show the girls' their US relatives. Beka loves it when I pick her up and we go from picture to picture, "who's this?", "who's that?" Do you have family pictures in your hallway? Are they somewhere else in the house? How do you display/preserve your family photos? Have a great day. And give yourself a Mental Health Day sometime. I bet you'll enjoy it. =)


SF said...

I loved this post, Tamra. :) What a great idea. Nice for the chidren to see US having a MHD, staying in our pj's and everything. I should do this sometime soon with them. Maybe Saturday. My nesting has been furious lately......... I think I need to be restrained. :)

Asian Hot Happenings said...

We use to have these in Vietnam. Except we called them "Bad Vietnam Days". It was when we couldnt take the culture anymore. So we stayed inside, kept our pjs on, watched a movie, and pretended that we were home. It worked really good for us (obviously we didnt do it enough) except when our power went out :)!